Hello Everyone!
As many of you may know, for the past couple of weeks I have been moving out of my home. We have someone super special who is renting our home from us for four months.
During all of the packing and moving, I couldn’t help but think, why do we collect so many things over the years!? So, I decided to write a Blog post to share my thoughts and suggestions on moving and organizing.
As many people know, I am constantly cleaning and donating items. I am self-proclaimed ‘OCD’! Even though several times a year I go through my drawers and closets to donate items I don’t use often, I still had SO many things. I was honestly shocked.
I have a wall in my basement that my kids call “The Wall of Shame”. I would hang family photos throughout the years, which I loved to do. But, when I was packing, there were 25 boxes of picture frames! Which is absolutely crazy, who wants that!?
I always thought that my children would want to take some of these photos, but now that they live in small apartments in the city, they don’t have space. As their mother, I thought they would appreciate these things, but I am pretty sure they don’t! So, while it is beautiful to cherish memories and we want to save every photo and kid’s trophy, it's really important to just save a select few.
With the Covid-19 Pandemic and moving out of our home, I realized how it is important now more than ever to clean out our drawers, closets, libraries, and kitchens. It’s important to donate and give things you no longer use to those who are in need. It feels so good to donate to those less fortunate and many people are struggling, particularly at this moment. You know the saying — “Your trash may be another persons’ treasure”.
I have always been very organized, which saved me as I was forced to pack and move in only 8 days from a home I lived in for 21 years! It was difficult to make decisions on what to do with my kid’s stuff, as none of them are home at the moment. It’s one thing to clean up your own crap, but it's quite another to clean someone else’s crap… but I did it!
The bottom line is, moving is difficult and it really sucks. But! If you want to have a better experience start cleaning and organizing now, little by little. Buy only what you love! When you buy a new pair of shoes, donate one from your closet. You will feel much better and less stressed when the day comes to move on.